Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology
Nov. 11 – 12, 2021, Online
1. Identification of polymer blends using pyrogram analysis software (Oral)
Nov. 11 – 12, 2021, Online
1. Identification of polymer blends using pyrogram analysis software (Oral)
Oct. 28 – 29, 2021, Online
【Technical Review】
New product introduction
【General lecture】
● Study of analytical conditions for the determination of microplastics using pyrolysis-GC/MS (I-14)
● Application of splitless pyrolysis-GC/MS to the analysis of trace amounts of microplastics
in environmental samples
Part 1: Study of analytical conditions for a splitless pyrolysis system (I-15)
● Application of splitless pyrolysis GC/MS to the analysis of trace amounts of microplastics
in environmental samples
Part 2: Application to polystyrene analysis (I-16)
● Application of splitless pyrolysis-GC/MS to the analysis of trace amounts of microplastics
in environmental samples
Part 3: Application to Polyethylene Analysis (II-1)
● Application of splitless pyrolysis-GC/MS to the analysis of trace amounts of microplastics
in environmental samples
Part 4: Challenges and solutions in the analysis of trace microplastics in sediment samples (II-2)
● Improvement of the accuracy of identification software for microplastic samples based on data
obtained by pyrolysis-GC/MS (II-3)
● Defect analysis of ABS resin molded products using a pyrolysis-GC/MS System (III-11)
Oct. 11 – 13, 2021, Galveston, TX, USA
Thank you for visiting our booth & Pyrolysis Workshop.
Sep. 29 - 30, 2021, Essen, Germany
Thank you for visiting our booth.
1. An oral presentation on detection of RoHS relevant contaminations in recycled materials
Sep. 22 – 24, 2021, Online
Sep 22, Venue D
● Defect analysis of ABS resin molded products using a pyrolysis-GC/MS System(16:30~16:45 / D1107)
Sep 23, Venue F
● A study on factors influencing the quantitative analysis of microplastics
using split-injection pyrolysis-GC/MS(09:45~10:00 / F3002)
● Analysis of trace microplastics in environmental samples using Splitless Pyrolysis-GC/MS
Part 1: Study of measurement conditions for Splitless Pyrolysis-GC/MS(10:00~10:15 / F3003)
● Analysis of trace microplastics in environmental samples using Splitless Pyrolysis-GC/MS
Part 2: Application to the analysis of polystyrene(10:15~10:30 / F3004)
● Analysis of trace microplastics in environmental samples using Splitless Pyrolysis-GC/MS
Part 3: Application to the analysis of polyethylene(14:30~14:45 / F3101)
● Analysis of trace microplastics in environmental samples using Splitless Pyrolysis-GC/MS
Part 4: Challenges and solutions for the analysis of trace microplastics in sediment samples
(14:45~15:00 / F3102)
● Improvements of identification accuracy of analysis software for microplastics based on data
from pyrolysis-GC/MS analysis(15:00~15:15 / F3103)
Sep. 15 - 16, 2021, Würzburg, Germany
Thank you for visiting our booth.
1. Cloudiness, yellowing, deterioration, failure - examples from damage analysis with pyrolysis GC/MS (Symposium language will be German)
Jul. 1 – 2, 2021, Online
1. Developments of quantitative analysis method for microplastics in the environment by pyrolysis-GC/MS and reference materials
- Part 1 : Use of quartz powder as a diluent
2. Developments of quantitative analysis method for microplastics in the environment by pyrolysis-GC/MS and reference materials
- Part 2 : Use of calcium carbonate as a diluent
Apr. 12 - 13, 2021, Online
1. From sample prep to data interpretation: recent advances in the optimization of a Py-GC/MS system for microplastics (4/12 12:25~12:40 CET)
Mar. 8 - 12, 2021, Virtual Event
1. Analysis and Characterization of Coals using Multiple Modes of Micro-Furnace Pyrolysis-GC/MS (3/8 08:30~09:05 EST)
2. Did I Leave My Mask in the Car? Using PY-GC/MS to Evaluate Face-mask Degradation (3/12 16:05~16:25 EST)
Feb. 15 - 19, 2021, Online
1. Forensic Differentiation of Ink Samples Using the Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) Technique (2/19 10:30~10:50 CST)