Technical Info

Conferences & Exhibitions

27th National Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterization

Oct. 27 – 28, 2022, Nagoya, Japan

【Poster lecture】

PosterⅠ October 27, 2022 10:00-12:00 (JST)

● Effect of various factors on degradation of solar cell encapsulants (I-02)*

● Development of high-speed grinding machine for polymer samples and its applications (I-04)

● Study of analytical conditions for pyrolysis GC/MS analysis of microplastics using calcium carbonate as

  diluent and catalyst (I-13)

PosterⅡ October 27, 2022 14:30-16:30 (JST)

● Reproducibility of pyrolysis GC/MS analysis of trace amounts of solid polymers (II-07)

PosterⅢ October 28, 2022 10:00-12:00 (JST)

● Quantitative analysis of acrylic acid in acrylic adhesives by reactive pyrolysis GC/MS with a silylating

  agent (III-04)

● Development of a new double-shot pyrolyzer GC/MS for automated continuous measurement of trace

  additives and basic polymer components (III-07)

● Pyrolysis GC/MS analysis of airborne microplastics collected on a quartz fiber filter (III-09)*

*Joint presentation

Japan Sciety for Analytical Chemistry 71st annual meeting

Sep. 14 - 16, 2022, Okayama, Japan

Wednesday, Sep. 14

● Optimization of analytical conditions for microplastic analysis by pyrolysis-GC/MS using calcium carbonate as a diluent(17:00~17:15 / E1109 / Oral)

Friday, Sep. 16

● Development of analysis method for trace additives in polymers by Splitless Thermal Desorption-GC/MS using Multi-Functional Splitless Sampler(09:15~09:30 / H3002 / Oral)

● Determination of acrylic acid in acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives by reactive pyrolysis-GC/MS(09:30~09:45 / H3003 / Oral)

● Effect of solid polymer sample form on reproducibility in pyrolysis-GC/MS(09:45~10:00 / H3004 / Oral) 

● Verification of linearity of calibration curves in GC/MS analysis(10:45~12:15 / PA3015 / Poster) 

● Pyrolysis-GC/MS of collected and classified airborne microplastics(13:45~14:00 / H3102 / Oral) 

Material Life Society Japan 33rd Conference

Jul. 21 - 22, 2022, Tokyo, Japan

1. Development of splitless pyrolysis-GC/MS for analysis of trace microplastics in environmental samples (Poster)

2. Analysis of microplastics in airborne particulates by pyrolysis-GC/MS (Poster)
