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Aiming for a company where the people involved are healthy, grow together, and always have high aspirations.
Offering unique analytical instruments that contribute widely to society
Frontier Laboratories is a research and development company established in 1991. We are consistently doing basic research and development of analytical pyrolysis instruments and methods, and manufacturing pyrolyzers with associated accessories. We have a wide range of analytical applications that include physical property evaluation of polymer materials used in various advanced scientific fields such as quality control in aircraft and automobile industries, differentiation of rubber, paint, paper in forensic investigations, and identification of environmental pollutants such as microplastics.
Aiming for a Small Giant Company
We do not have our own sales department but have signed sales contracts with the world's top analytical instrument manufacturers and distributors who sell them as an analysis system that integrates each manufacturer's equipment and preserves our brand name. Through this unique sales strategy, we are expanding our business not only in Europe, the Americas, and Asia but also in the Middle East and Africa. Intuition and experience as well as insight and execution based on solid academics are important for creative and technological development with international competitiveness, so we are promoting industry-academia-government collaboration. Furthermore, we continue to develop new products that are easier to use and better in performance based on valued customer inputs.
Management Philosophy and Vision for Business
Our company has set “Practicing WIN-WIN” as our management philosophy. This means that the people concerned are all healthy, learn together, appreciate and respect each other, boost their ambitions, and contribute widely to society while climbing the spiral staircase of growth together. As a result, we believe that even Japanese SMEs can develop world-leading products in the analytical field and expand sales and support worldwide. We believe that showing this to the young people who will lead the future is one of the important social responsibilities of Frontier Labs.
Dr. Ichi Watanabe