News (Technical Info)
- Technical Info
Application booklet: Forensic Analysis Using Micro-Furnace Pyrolyzer and F-Search Software
The new application booklet "Forensic Analysis Using Micro-Furnace Pyrolyzer and F-Search Software" has been added to the Technical Information. - Technical Info
Video: Tandem µ-Reactor Operation Mechanism
- Technical Info
On-demand Seminar: Video released
"A Simple, Effective Solution for Characterization and Quantification of Microplastics by Pyrolysis-GC/MS" - Technical Info
On-demand Seminar: Video released
"Reactive Pyrolysis Applications for polymer and additives in advanced materials characterization" - Technical Info
Application Booklet: Rapid Catalyst Screening Using micro-Reactor Systems
The new application booklet "Rapid Catalyst Screening Using micro-Reactor Systems" has been added to the Technical Information. - Technical Info
Video: Installation of Auto-Shot Sampler (AS-2020E)
- Technical Info
On-demand Seminar: Video released
"Advanced Analytical Technique for Polymer Analysis : Pyrolysis-GCMS"
"Rapid Catalyst screening using online single micro reactor" - Technical Info
Application Booklet: Microplastics Analysis using Micro-Furnace Pyrolyzer and F-Search MPs Software
The new application booklet "Microplastics Analysis using Micro-Furnace Pyrolyzer and F-Search MPs Software" has been added to the Technical Information. - Technical Info
Video: Installation of MicroJet Cryo-Trap (MJT-2030E)
- Technical Info
New Video "Microplastics Analysis using Pyrolysis-GC/MS System" added
A new video "Microplastics Analysis using Pyrolysis-GC/MS System" has been added to the F-LAB CONTENTS.